So I received my wonderful new running gadget the Adidas miCoach Pacer the other day. Really easy to set up and totally customizable. The gear I have includes the miCoach Pacer, heart rate monitor w/strap, and stride sensor with lace clip. You also get headphones (I use my own), USB cable, and MP3 connector cable. It sounds like a lot but it's not. It's actually really simple and works great with my iPod Clip.
The heart rate monitor is pretty self explanatory. The lace clip works great and I don't even notice it on my shoe. Basically you take the lace clip (shown bottom left in pic) and place it under the lace on your shoe then you take the sensor (shown in the middle) and click it in
So as you can see in the picture my headphones are on the left plugged into the Pacer and the Pacer is connected to my Clip. It's very lightweight and the buttons are fairly easy to use while running. I still control the music and music volume from my MP3 player and running stats and coaching are done by the Pacer controls. You can adjust the Pacer volume to what is comfortable for you and you even have the option of a man or woman's voice in English or UK.
Adidas has 6 different programs (beginning runner, run a race, be fit, lose weight, de-stress, etc.) to choose from and within those 6 you have even more choices (intervals, walking, heart rate zones). You charge the Pacer by connecting it to your computer and it has about 10 hours of active workout time. You then register your Pacer online and download the software. You can choose one of their training plans or schedule your own custom workout. The miCoach Pacer has two modes, Free mode and miCoach mode. Free mode will collect data when you workout but will not offer any coaching. You can still get information such as heart rate, pace, mileage, calories, and workout time.
I've used the miCoach twice now and I really enjoy having the option of being coached. It helps me stick to the workout. The Pacer will also cut in and tell you how many minutes you have left to run (or walk) or if your heart rate is getting high or low it will tell you to stay in whatever zone you are supposed to be in. It is helping me learn to pace myself. I also like being able to do my own thing but still hear my workout information at the touch of a button. It does interrupt whatever music you are listening to and I've found that if the music volume is up you do get a little feedback when the miCoach cuts in. All and all I think it's a great product and has a lot to offer a beginner like me!
Next product review...... SPIBAND and SPIBELT!!
Wow! I'm Brookie from the DISboards. That sounds interesting, would make a good b-day me!